This stupid cunt mounted the kerb on the high street with a shit load of people walking around, she also managed to the block the road so that no one else could pass. This selfish, thick fucking twat then stood there in disbelief when someone complained and the car behind started to band on their hooter. Selfish self important cunt.
The scrubber driver of this trampy car was either plastered or fully incompetent, my theory is both. Weaving around on a busy Sunday afternoon on Abbeydale Road South in Sheffield, when they mounted the curb at 0:37 they could have easily taken someone out. I can only imagine the self entitled chav abomination that has so little shame they think it's acceptable to drive half-cut, the jiberish private plate says it all i guess.
Footage has been provided to the police, just wish I'd been able to report them at the time.
Check out Pootles McShitbox in his mum's decade old Corsa, weaving around like an aggressive drunk toddler without anywhere to be.
This guy looked like a tramp, as in genuinely homeless. Maybe he was living out of that rust bucket. Next stop nackers yard both of em. Scrubbers will be scrubbers.
KA05 EFL - No patience, no idea of the rules of the road, aggressive, forced me to move over on my side of the road, no defensive driving in a busy built-up area and then raises his hands like he hasn't done anything wrong - complete thick d**k! -
Fat cunt