Idiot driver in a dark Ford focus and Adidas tracksuit top, didn’t know how to use his indicators, undertaking when he went to be overtaken despite fluctuating between 30 mile an hour and 50 on the jewel carriageway outside Oxford total knobhead compensating for a small dick.
Came racing down into our cul-de-sac, did a dreadful three point turn and then weaved all the way back up the hill, barely stopping at the junction with a main road, then careered off. Dreadful driving.
Wreckless attempts at overtaking into oncoming traffic on the A586 between Great Eccleston and Windy Harbour. His impatience didn’t make him much progress as he was only seconds ahead.
How does it feel to have lost T pal? Maybe you shouldn't have been such an insecure manlet. Ps check the paternity if your kids, the dates are awfully close...
So this dick head comes flying past us and a few others while we wait at the red lights, suddenly realised he wouldn't make it. Really worth it was it? Dick.
Unrecorded damage on this vehicle. Avoid!