An absolute monstrosity Police dogs van.
Honestly I was suicidal when this van was the first patrol to tip up to pull me off the wrong side of a bridge. Since it snuck up behind me (bloody electric) I wasnt able to jump in time because had I been able to see it, I would have swan dived into the afterlife with not a second thought. This van actually made the 136 suite look like the 39 virgins I was promised in the after life. Please for the love of Christ and all things holy, write it off before it becomes a police contact death.
Dark Grey Porsche travelling towards Petersfield. Winchester/Petersfield A272 road, 4:30pm on 6th February 2022.
Are you trying to get yourself killed, or just other people on the road? You totally irresponsibly overtook 3 cars, completely ignoring the speed limit, on a blind bend, and then before the 4th, you cut right in front of us into our safety gap. This nearly caused a pileup, and yet you still did it again to the car at the front. No care for anyone's safety - do this on a driving test and you would fail. Do it with police about and you will be booked.
In case you didn't spot the passenger filming you acting like a total moron and cutting into people's safety gaps, attached is a still image.
Next time video footage is going to the police - don't do it again or you will get points and at least one fine. Idiot.
Blind to other vehicles get some glasses!