Almost ran me off the road I stuck my finger up , bloke swerved infront of me and slammed his brakes. He actually got out of the car, flung the door open and came to my window. "DONT YOU FUCKING SWEAR AT ME" Blonde/brownish hair, parting in his hair, hair to the side, in his 20s. He needs a psychiatrist. He shouldn't be on the road.
Found the car "sold recently" on gumtree, their mobile number is 07874 102723. The guy would not give me any information on the buyer (or whether it was actually him...)
Worst driver ever , to start with indicators... he doesn't know what they are or how to use them , over takes a lorry then tries to run my car if the road with me 6 month out daughter and my wife in the car , then starts to swearing at us . Why ? I hope the owner looks on here and finds this message you have been reported to the police aswell :) have a nice day you idiot .
To the owner of a Red Seat Leon KM58 ZRY that was driving on the A158 towards Horncastle this afternoon you are an idiot.
You may wish to die in head crash at a combined speed approaching 120mph but i dont thanks.
People need to think before they attempt an overtake of two lorries.
complete idiot of a driver. dangerously cut me up at lights, but then also proceeded to slam on his brakes, for no reason over the next mile before thankfully turning off. A rude and obnoxious bully
Treats the roads like Grand Theft Auto. Overtaking on the wrong side of the road at high speed and cutting in front of people