KN66 SWW 2021-04-07 00:54:55

bicycles are slower tan cars! really? lol, come on guys, i want to see someone else cycling at the speed i did there. i beat the car 1.5 miles later....see? it isnt the cyclist that slows you down, its the other cars! why cant you all get that? CARS ARE NOT FAST!
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KN66 SWW 2021-04-07 00:51:00

why is the van in the middle of the road? it should keep to the side, as the bicycle is faster. Proof-
people wo tink cyclists slow them down are retarded. Its cars that slow everyone down, including bicycles. The van should be in the cycle lane, in my video, not in the middle of the road, getting in my way.
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KN66 SWW 2021-04-06 21:55:57

Please get rid of the disgusting pornographic images that have recently been posted
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KN66 SWW 2021-04-06 09:08:07

All these snowflakes crying about a white van overtaking a cyclist, next they will be complaining about the gender of Mr Potatoe head...
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KN66 SWW 2021-04-05 11:08:47

Has the cyclist been reported to the police for not having a bell on their bike?
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KN66 SWW 2021-04-03 02:06:05

Has this been reported the police? Defo a killer in the making.. hopefully the law can catch up with them.
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KN66 SWW 2021-04-02 19:02:17

Very dangerously overtaken me on the M11 forcing me to emergency break nearly flew into a lorry
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KN66 SWW 2021-04-01 05:53:58

Prick should be done for attempted murder?
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KN05 OEU 2021-02-22 17:48:27

One of the worst looking cars I’ve ever seen before in my life, who in their right mind would buy a LUPO and modify it!!! It looks like a steam train from behind that’s misfiring!! Absolute disgrace of a car, the person who chose to modify it in such a way must have been dropped on their head! Would have much more respect for them in a corsa 😡
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