Watch out for this clown on the A303 Hampshire. Would not move from the overtaking lane this morning, swerving about, slowing down seemingly purposefully and not responding to flashes or horns, so that people were forced to undertake to get past (not us). So dangerous and I nearly called the police.
Do yourself a favour whilst driving your Landrover Discovery tank through the narrow streets of Salcombe old boy...
Whilst you're papping yourself and clearly following the SatNav thats taken you on the wrong street, don't mount the pavement, and nearly knock over my partner and just miss smashing your shiny paint work into my dogs face.
Better too not to drive away at top speed too when I challenge your bad driving along with local shop keepers hey.
So this guy tries to cut in front of people, changes lanes without signalling, DOESN’T bother looking in his mirrors to see if that lane is clear, then speeds off after nearly hitting my car. Then proceeds to cut people up and almost cause another accident. TAKE HIS LICENSE OFF HIM NOW.
Badman in his white merc driving dangerously and without due care and attention near to Birmingham NEC. Sitting in the middle of 2 lanes, man cannot drive.
Man need some driving lesson tings yeh?
Driving like a right idiot. Undertaking and tailgating on motorway