This farmer decided to take his bmw off-roading to confront three 14 year old boys riding their dirt bikes about his fields. Was extremely aggressive and threatened to ‘put them face down in a ditch’. These were just young boys having fun, the fields are bone dry so no damage down and even if they did, your cows churn up the grass more than our bikes do not to mention your tractors so chill out a bit. Hopefully you caused damage to your car driving fast across the fields. Remember, trespass is a civil matter, the police don’t care, threatening us though is criminal so you are definitely in the wrong on this occasion.
Inconsiderate parking. I don’t understand how someone can park like this and just walk away.
I had to release the handbrake from the passenger side and roll forwards until I was able to get in on the drivers side as I didn’t want to risk damaging my interior by climbing over.
Nice lady waved at our Zafira abroad in Northern Germany, unfortunately it was too late to wave back! Leaving this comment here to let you know that your gesture was much appreciated, we saw a few other UK registered cars but none of them flashed or waved to say hello, thank you for the lovely wave!
Spot the problem