Beautiful car. But Jesus, if you get a chance, have a look at the driver. Most pug-fugly mo fo I’ve ever seen!
It’s like his face had an accident with a blender and then he dyed his hair with just for men?!
Stuck in traffic both in correct lanes but due to flooding in Worcester was squeezed into one lane, everyone merging but this asshole wouldn’t let me merge and kept shaking his head. Well asshole, I was rushing to my dying mother, you may have been sat there in your Volvo! Typical asshole car and been fed up sat in traffic, I was trying to get home to a dying woman luckily I made it in time.... just! It doesn’t take much BE KIND! I’m glad I boo hoo’d you you total twonk! Bloody petty shaking your head, I don’t normally act like this but couldn’t believe your attitude. Karma! I hope you’re never trying to get home to see a loved one!! I was quite within my rights, I am an a advanced driver rant over!
Purposefully parks across two spaces that are in private spaces in a residential area. No consideration and ignored every note and request to move or park somewhere else. Rude and I hope you karma comes around quickly.
Dtupid person not looking up from mobile phone on lap. Not aware of anyone or anything going on around them as they were just zoned out.
My lights and brightwear are all a wast of time, as is bell and horn, think I need an airhorn for the driver of this car to wake up.
Thanks so much for blocking my car in and making sure that I couldn't get to the hospital to see my dying dad. There were plenty of spaces elsewhere, but you parked like a complete arse hole, then left your wheels pointing out, so every attempt involved your tyre pushing my bumper. Thanks a bunch. Karma will find its way with you. I just hope that tonight isn't the last for my dad.
Also, this isn't the first time you've parked terribly around here.
Black seat Altea
Known for use in house burgarly and robbery.
Do not approach.
Do not buy this car as criminals