This fat bastard was riding so close to me on the Ashbourne road out of Buxton that I couldn’t see the Reg until they passed me, I was going 50 in a 50, and this prick had to ride my ass, and then overtake like a knob, there was an attic in front of me so it didn’t get them very far.
Plenty of parking literally 100 meters away but this idiot parks on a busy road on a double yellow line and a bike lane. Should be banned from driving.
Text from 2023-02-18 15:22:17. Edited for errors:
Leighton Buzzard, Tesco Car Park, LU7 1ER. My car was parked, engine off, handbrake on with plenty of room around the car, it was reversed into the space. A grey car attempted to drive into the space next to the near side of my car, the driver did not leave enough room to swing his car into this space. I noticed the car getting too close and expected the driver to stop, reverse and reposition his car. He did not and scraped the front nearside corner of my car with the front nearside corner of his. My car jolted with the bump. I then expected the driver to stop but he carried on driving and parked in a space in the row behind. I got out and spoke to the driver, he was elderly and appeared a little frail. He claimed he had no idea what he had done and neither had the elderly lady (? drivers wife) who sat in the front passenger seat. There were fresh scratch marks on both cars at the correct height and position. He did eventually apologise but without meaning it or accepting responsibility.
2nd time DPD van parked in same place. Using his flashing 'park anywhere' lights, so that's alright then! Managed to park on pavement and a zebra crossing at the same time so double bonus points.
This fat bastard was riding so close to me on the Ashbourne road out of Buxton that I couldn’t see the Reg until they passed me, I was going 50 in a 50, and this prick had to ride my ass, and then overtake like a knob, there was an attic in front of me so it didn’t get them very far.
Probably rushing to get some more food