I sensibly crossed a zebra crossing. Bizarrely, this driver started swearing and shouting out his window at me. I initially thought he wanted directions when he wound down his window, but it was a torrent of abuse. He was the car on the far side so he had plenty of time to stop! Reported him to the police because his anger was so wildly out of context. Everyone else at that crossing is normally ok, hence the concern for his over the top reaction.
Foulger’s lorry driver. Drove through a red light coming onto the A11 Thickthorn roundabout (Norwich) from the A47 westbound, almost colliding with vehicles on the roundabout setting off on a green light. Have reported it to the company but they will probably do nothing.
constantly drives up scar lane making loads of noise then slams on whats the point if your going to drive fast drive fast not slam on soon as you accelerate muppet
I sensibly crossed a zebra crossing. Bizarrely, this driver started swearing and shouting out his window at me. I initially thought he wanted directions when he wound down his window, but it was a torrent of abuse. He was the car on the far side so he had plenty of time to stop! Reported him to the police because his anger was so wildly out of context. Everyone else at that crossing is normally ok, hence the concern for his over the top reaction.