The driver is a known peodaphile who randomly kidnaps and tortures horses. Also three penguins were attacked by this driver while on a hiking holiday in Barnsley. The driver never wears a seat belt and flicks fag ash out there window ....causing major road hold ups. BAN NOW!
This evening during the rush hour I was driving out of Bedford along Clapham Road (A428) when I was faced with this vehicle driving on my side of the road!
Yes, you read that correctly. Busy rush hour and a vehicle is driving along the wrong side of the road towards oncoming traffic at 50mph.
Now get this, in the passenger seat was a young child (a girl I think but I can't be sure).
I couldn't believe my eyes as the cars in front and behind me had to swerve to avoid this vehicle. At the time I could only assume that the mid 50's female asian driver was either insane or wilfully trying to cause a head on crash.
I noticed the report from 21st February on this website about this vehicle and now it all makes sense.
Please, if anyone knows this driver, remove their car keys and march them straight into the nearest police station as they are a danger to others and themselves.
Jus read all dis shit on here. Ain't illegal 4 me 2 have a drink n drive u no. I don't do queues so driving down middle of road is my own lane so chill.