It's clear that isn't a safe or practical place to over-take. This irrespective of whether you are riding primary or secondary. Would they do it to another car? The cyclist needs at east as much space, and no way can you magically see round that bend. It's called reading the road mate.
FAOL LB03 ERY. Another road user had to think for you. Another road user had to try and stop you being a prat - not because they wanted to, but because they had to, for everyone's safety. If you had sufficient driving ability you would not only know of but also respect cyclist's rights on the road. You don't. No use ranting at other people..especially when you kill them through your actions. Words do come cheap however..this advice cost you zip. Maybe it will safe a life and make you realise your error and correct it.
The red car isn't lined up very straight within the painted lines though. Maybe next time, don't park so close to the kernel grass edge, give yourself some room to manoeuvre .
It's clear that isn't a safe or practical place to over-take. This irrespective of whether you are riding primary or secondary. Would they do it to another car? The cyclist needs at east as much space, and no way can you magically see round that bend. It's called reading the road mate.