OMG what an arsehole!! needs putting down. Got some serious anger issues! maybe he couldn't see the cyclist being 4 foot 11 hahahahaha. There are too many aggressive drivers on our roads today! what is wrong with people. People tailgating, I thought it was not an offence, yet another offence that cant be policed.
Seen this douche bag on the roads before, very angry little man! needs to learn some road manors and get a car that he can actually drive!! and as for this incident... what a pathetic little exuse of a man! he deserves a 12 month prison sentence for putting other peoples lives a risk! and threatening behaviour too! I would and do walk away and try to avoid conflicts, as this is what can happen, and its not worth the hassle. As they are people like him about. However the cyclist had every right to be pissed off with him. And was sticking up for himself. To be this angry over something like this he must be trying to compensate lol. Anyway all on camera! I really hope he gets banned for a year, looses his job. And kills himself, we don't need cretins like him.
Mr Wells, not such a big man now you have been publicly named and shamed, well done to the cyclist for wearing helmet cam and exposing this twat!!!
Not sure about him being a master butcher but he definately a master baker......if he spoke to me like that the only thing he would have been served was a knuckle sandwich.
Boycott brew cafe so the fucking idiot can't afford his 4 wheeled penis extension maybe he will be forced to ride a bike then and see how he enjoys the boot on the other foot.
This guy is as we say in the office a complete fucktard!
What a dick splash.
I'm not a cyclist but do understand cyclists have as much right as motorists to be on the road. Things aren't going to get better in the short term, so leave 5 mins earlier in the morning and you wouldn't need to be in such a rush!
So, this we fat fuck thinks he is a hard man?
Lets meet up you wee fat baldy leather gimp suit wearing fucktard. I'll smash your fucking skull in you cunt. You have the staying power of a fucking kit kat, you six fingered inbreeding thunder-cunt.
Infact, I know where you live Jon Weale of Barnfield Avenue, Kingston. Sleep easy.
Out of solidarity with cyclists, we should all avoid giving Jason Wells any money, so please don't go to his cafes!
Whatever the merits of the Brew Cafes in Wimbledon, Putney, Clapham and Wandsworth, please avoid them.
He's got a fancy PR company to act for him, Samphire Communications, so let's see what they have to say about it......
OMG what an arsehole!! needs putting down. Got some serious anger issues! maybe he couldn't see the cyclist being 4 foot 11 hahahahaha. There are too many aggressive drivers on our roads today! what is wrong with people. People tailgating, I thought it was not an offence, yet another offence that cant be policed.