You had a bus lane and the inside lane to use. You and the other cyclist decided to use the whole road for your jaunt in the middle of London. He beeped you. Wow. Get over it. If you 'took me to task' as you describe your own decision to talk to the rider, I would have told you to go fuck yourself with your tyre-pump before I rammed my keys in your fucking eye.
It's a shame you couldn't accept that you were in taking up a whole lane when your width is that of your handlebars or shoulders. Stay on the fucking left of the lane or on the inside lanes you self important prick. Now fuck off and get a camera with sound you gypsy.
This knobhead tarmacked my driveway without asking and then dumped his pile of check engine light shite on there claiming he owned it. Fucking bellend.
Police are hunting for three suspects after being suspected to have caused death by dangerous driving. RIP James. The three men deserve to be punished.
Update - In this tragic crime, the occupants were described by witnesses as two Asian males. One was heavily built and the other slimmer. From what we have established so far, we believe the vehicle is linked to the Bradford area.
absolute dick i had my mouth open looking at this dickwad! wat a bully came along in lane beside this C*** giving it to a bird.besides cant drive to good almost went into her
You had a bus lane and the inside lane to use. You and the other cyclist decided to use the whole road for your jaunt in the middle of London. He beeped you. Wow. Get over it. If you 'took me to task' as you describe your own decision to talk to the rider, I would have told you to go fuck yourself with your tyre-pump before I rammed my keys in your fucking eye.
It's a shame you couldn't accept that you were in taking up a whole lane when your width is that of your handlebars or shoulders. Stay on the fucking left of the lane or on the inside lanes you self important prick. Now fuck off and get a camera with sound you gypsy.