Anyone find his name and address? If so, do not post on social media as he may get dogshit posted to him or his very important car tyres deflated. Do not do this!!!
Apparently this is the same Telegraph that loves to whip up a storm over people on benefits; in particular the sick and the disabled.
Hence, no surprise to see such "clashed with members of the public" spin as shown here, when clearly the rider failed to apply the required standard of driving i.e. in accordance with the conditions AND the speed limit. The rider would have hit them had they not moved, but hey, this is the mainstream media so who gives a hoot about reality when we have a required narrative, right?
Good luck with your subscriber base. By the looks of things it couldn't happen to a nice bunch of...
U see, bentley owners consist of 100% richness and -9,000,000 sense