Dangerous and speedy driver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She pushes you off the road and does dangerous tricks to get faster ahead. Also she uses a mobile while driving!
Kid sits next to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VERY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Driving behind a line of traffic in the dark heading into Newmarket from Six Mile Bottom along the undulating road. As I was approaching a slip entrance to the road, and afterward a roundabout, I slowed, letting the gap behind myself and the car in front widen. The driver of a white/light coloured KA with the rear windows made opaque white, came up behind me (not too close) and flashed their lights 3 separate times. As I approached the roundabout I slowed further as I saw lights coming round from the right, and entered the roundabout with the intention to pull on to the racecourse entrance to check I didn't have a faulty light or otherwise, as I was unsure why this person was flashing at me. The driver overtook me on the roundabout and tried to speed off ahead of me. At the sae time I realised they had been harassing me, not warning me of a problem. They were unable to get far ahead and so I was able to see their registration plate.
This harassment is not acceptable. Overtake or put up with the fact I was driving 10 miles below the speed limit approaching a give way.
At 8:00am this man with his metallic blue volkswagen van, after driving very close to my car, he overtook me on LEFT at 70/80 mph just before the lane change from 2 into 1 lane on the A22 just before the traffic light that link to Godstone Road, Catheram, Surrey.
I had to break hard to avoid him and I had to drive closer to the hard shoulder where the surface is pretty slipery. Bit scary, really!
Obviously, I horn to him a couple of time and the reply was a hard brake done in purpose! So, at this point I told him off with some popular gesture.
The result of this was, few metres ahead, a small water battle has been through backward toward my car. Luckely I have avoid it!
Guest what, now? there was a long queue along the traffic light before the junction to the M25 so this man stop the car and jump out shouting at me "stuff". White t-shirt, sunglass, brown hair and NOT tall, NOT slim, NOT classy!
With my morning self-control, I have decide to stay on car and carry on listening Magic.
What a clown deliberately pulled out because I was taking my time within the speed limit. By deliberately pulling out I mean choosing the incorrect lane to go straight on at a set of lights to beat me because for some odd perceived reason you believe I held you up. A) I was within the reasonable degree of the speed limit of 30 B) your need got you no where but stuck at the next set of light pillock.
Next time maybe consider whether the car you do that to has a dashcam like me....
This young man drives like a yob. Very distressing to see.