LM69 WEO 2021-03-16 02:35:56

Driving on Pavement
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LM64 RMY 2021-03-08 10:44:08

Taxi driver of LM64 RMY thinks it's acceptable to run two red lights at a busy roundabout. 1145 is their taxi plate. Will report to their 'professional ' standards body for taxi drivers.
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LM65 WXH 2021-03-03 13:14:36

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LM17 NNC 2021-03-05 01:35:21

Ooo look you're famous
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LM59 PHZ 2021-03-01 22:58:30

On approach to a roundabout this bad driver decided to go in the left lane where you have to turn left but this time she decided to cut me up nearly causing me to crash.
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LM64 KMA 2021-03-08 20:08:33

Tailgater in 20 zones. Harassing law abiding motorists trying to make them go faster.
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LM67 OYZ 2021-02-12 19:10:09

GSF Car Parts van driving extremely quickly up to a major round about junction (A27 Chi Tesco) . I clocked the driver as I was driving round the round about I and I didn’t think he was stopping. (Many accidents happen here) so I slowed down expecting him to fly straight out in front of me. He slammed his breaks on and was half hanging out by the time he stopped! He then decided to drive in my boot after I drove off.

I stoped to tell him that he was driving too fast and all he replied with was “well I stopped didn’t I?”

The fact I clocked him through 2 lanes of stationary traffic speeding towards the junction says it all.

Big company let down by the poor driving standard of its drivers.
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LM58 PGO 2021-02-12 16:14:00

Entering M6 on the slip road where the two-lane merge into one, this pillock decided to try to undertake us despite there being an HGV directly in front, this idiot is an accident waiting to happen.
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LM12 NBF 2021-01-28 19:35:56

Parks like a retard, in a space big enough to park TWO longer vehicles nose to nose they park their piece of crap around six feet from one end of the space... the result being only a mini could squeeze in at the other end of the space... and in that part of Watford not many people own a mini. Have some consideration you selfish cunt!
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LM64 FTZ 2021-01-24 09:07:42

A113 Chigwell road woodford bridge at the blackspot traffic light by snakes lane east . Chigwell road goes from two lanes into one , heavy congestion traffic slower than walking speed going towards Grange hill, I am on the inside lane with the outside lane gradually going into mine , outside line of cars not observing the marked arrows on the road indicating for them to move to the left lane. we have moved well past the overhead M11 bridge and the cars on the outside lane on my right are now well and truly on the hazard chevrons so I leave a gap to let the range rover next to me in. The Range rover moves forwarrd into my lane and I attempt to follow but the guy that was behind the Range rover is now next to my right trying to follow the range rover into a non existent gap and cutting me up pushing me against the kerb . The driver gets nearer and nearer to my mirror as we inch forward and I end up neare and nearer to the kerb . going forward about thirty yards in this fashion I try to get his attention and when finally he winds his window down threatens me with physical violence if " I touch his car " by not giving up my position, in other words, despite the fact he was well behind me originally and now is fully on the hazard chevron lines, he thinks he has the right of way over me an I should give him way or else!
needless to say I gave up and photo shows him just shortly after he got his way , still not quite moved to the single lane properly
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Worst drivers in November

  1. LC06 OPH
  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
  6. RF12 HKU
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
  9. B16 TAJ
  10. WG02 NFE

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