LN17 LXK 2019-09-27 23:24:32

Taxi driver bullying cyclists. Riding in Regents Park and passed by this taxi who sprayed us with his windscreen washer. I confronted him at the lights and of course he was immediately blaming the driver in front even though it could not possibly have been them, see in the video how far in front the other car is. It had sprayed onto my face and even got in my mouth. Luckily I had glasses on or the chemicals would have gone into my eyes.

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LN58 YRJ 2019-09-13 21:28:30


Rural Landscapes van.
What an absolute fucking arsehole. Middle lane hogging causing about 10 cars to go in to the outside lane just to get past this clown. They were about 10 light years off the car on the inside lane to.
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LN12 XXT 2019-09-19 18:37:34

Speeding round blind bend on Newis Crescent SG17
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LN16 EVX 2019-09-19 13:19:16

this guys a prick
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LN51 SXT 2019-09-05 09:52:08

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LN68 MYR 2019-08-28 12:49:55

This BMW driver parked in the only free disabled bay, the ran into the McDonald's as it was raining. The car park was half empty. He isn't disabled and had no blue badge.
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LN17 DSX 2019-09-02 16:56:48

Driving on A2 London bound like a total dipshit.
Have seen this driver around a few times. Its not big or clever. Grow up.

One day you will end up hurting someone.
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LN10 PYT 2019-09-01 16:04:47

Too fast and angry. What a tool.
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LN57 YDP 2019-08-31 22:25:52

Driving crazy
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LN14 XBD 2019-08-17 14:20:05

uses mobile phone while driving to take photos etc
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