PED Geo the big fat baldy nonce, has a retarded boyfriend who fucks sheeps . PED Get likes to hang around outside schools and lives on kirkintilloch road
This guy almost ran us over as we were crossing the road, I explained to him what would happen if he did hit us, he replied that he doesn't go to prison, pointing at his rented car badge.
Short dude, dark skin, dressed like a penguin with a pink tie and an attitude.
This 'Dog Unit' driver who thought he was above the law (no blue light on roof, but was dressed like a ploce officer) was weaving through traffic on the M4 near Swindon at what we calculated at approx 105mph!
If it had a JCB bucket on the front he would have scooped up the cars in front and chucked them behind
Wreckless and very dodgy!
This driver nearly killed me on the M25 just now ( 14th June 2019 ) but undertaking me and cutting me up. He had absolutely no regard for other drivers !!!
Driver refuses to give way when there's no room to pass 2 cars in a narrow street. When I refused to move, he twisted and broke my window