when you kill someone..... dont come crying. youre chatting away on a massive mobile AND had a lit cigarette in your right hand, all at 40 mph! you lunatic of a lady!! shameful!
Registration number: LN18YND
Body type: 4 Door Saloon
Colour: White
Dangerous right turn off Broadway into Stuart Avenue, Morecambe. Almost went into a car approaching the junction and completely in the left lane.
He took the bottom corner of the right hand lane (from his direction) like a knife cutting off a corner from a block of butter.
A danger on our roads at right turns - cannot handle right turns safely.
Another bellend transit van driver who has no idea of their size or how to manoeuvre such a large vehicle, parks on and blocks pavements, bashes into public bin. Total tool shouldn’t be allowed to handle more than a tricycle.
when you kill someone..... dont come crying. youre chatting away on a massive mobile AND had a lit cigarette in your right hand, all at 40 mph! you lunatic of a lady!! shameful!