Shouldn't be on the road. Got annoyed when I over took him as my way was clear and his was blocked. Started to switch lanes and deliberately trying to cut me up. Pulling up to lights he slammed on his breaks so I would hit him, which I didn't as I was aware of his erradicate driving. I mimed to him in his mirror saying I had a baby in the car to which he silently replied so what I don't care. What a nice man. Reported to police.
Shouldn't be on the road. Got annoyed when I over took him as my way was clear and his was blocked. Started to switch lanes and deliberately trying to cut me up. Pulling up to lights he slammed on his breaks so I would hit him, which I didn't as I was aware of his erradicate driving. I mimed to him in his mirror saying I had a baby in the car to which he silently replied so what I don't care. What a nice man. Reported to police.