This guy was driving like a f***ing maniac. Overtook my boyfriend for no reason, there were cars in front of us so there was nowhere he could go. We flashed the p***k so he decided to flip us off. After that he decided to get away quick so he overtook a van with oncoming traffic and it was a close one. This b*****d shouldn't be on the road.
A car driven by a man who acts like his penis is so microscopic, it could penetrate a clitoris. Very erratic manner of driving with no real certainty of what speed he wants to be at. I can only assume he thinks the G-force of constant acceleration and deceleration will make his significant other finally give it up to him. Maybe he was trying to race commuter cars on a busy motorway in his rapidly depreciating BMW, the model that literally nobody wanted to buy, except him of course. If anyone knows how to create a concertina effect of braking in the outside lane of a motorway, it's this man.
Typical ten-a-penny mong nearly rear ended my new van, go back to slouching outside the local corner shop with your boys blud. If only you could see yourself swerving about in that bucket, nothing funnier than a beat up chavkart been ragged like you think the stunt men do it. Lock down brings out all the stupid in people on the road, I'm sure it was essential though right? No shame.