Absolute cock womble. Seems to think he owns the road. Blind overtaking, forcing drivers onto the hard shoulder just to get past. Overtaking on blind summits with oncoming traffic. Its only a matter of time until this bell end causes an accident. What worries me most though is he doesn't give a shit.
Son, leave the house 5 minutes earlier and you won't have to drive like this.
Quality driver, car came through a give way section when he did not have right of way, driver of LO11 HHD stayed calm and waited, no honking, no road rage.
I saw him racing a Vauxhall Corsa down Vernon Way, Crewe thinking he's sick as fuck in his Fiat 500, funny thing is, the Corsa wasn't even trying and the lad was just showing off for some bird in his car, she didn't look too impressed though
F*ckin' BMW!