LS65 GWJ 2017-08-22 20:19:48

I hope their transmission breaks and skewers them up the rectum bleeding to desth and they get met on the otherside by the person who's grave they parked on.
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-22 20:06:58

What a wanker!! No respect!!
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-22 19:49:59

If they show this little respect for the dead, just think what the cunt thinks of the living! Parking on graves!
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-22 19:40:21

What an utter horrible cunt. Selfish scum.
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-22 18:50:46

Parked on somebody's grave to go to a funeral. No respect. Cunt
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LS56 ZPV 2017-06-13 13:02:37

Hard to tell for sure if genuinely good looking, face was smothered in the semen of the tranny he just picked up
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LS16 PET 2017-05-10 21:40:39

thank you drop off order
coventrey road small heath
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LS10 OPV 2017-04-08 16:19:06

wow cant believe people are thinking the car is in the wrong, the bike swerved all over the road roads are made for cars if bike wankers dont like it get off and walk so may people on bikes jump light think they own the road quite happy to pull out in front of car and then moan when they get hit
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LS10 OPV 2017-04-03 21:52:06

This might sound defeatist to some. I think that in places like London and many, many other parts of England you are going to see incidents like this on account of the population density, the over-reliance on cars, and road system itself which was never originally designed for anything other than horse-drive carriages.

It's only by virtue of that English sense of fair play that you do not see a LOT more people injured and killed.

But what concerns me most here is the blinkered view from some politicians and industrials, all of whom assume that we have some kind of obligation to accept millions more people living in this small country. Most of this increase being down to immigration and natural births (the latter being used to conceal the number of people being born on religious and cultural grounds).

Even with the best intention, we are over capacity. We shouldn't keep ripping up what's left to house even more people whilst fearing being branded racist or xenophobic just for using our common sense. The same is happening in the US, it's the politicians, the industrialists and much of the mainstream media who are behind this surge and every single country it happens there are is irreversible damage.

I often hate commuting in London for this literally have to have eyes everywhere and anything goes. If I wanted to live like this I'd move to some third-world slum and that's exactly where we are heading. Very quickly.
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LS10 OPV 2017-04-03 14:46:23

Stupid cyclists wobbling all over the road.

No Helmet.
No Hi-Vis clothes
No training
No insurance.

Over all a menace and a disgrace.
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