Ford Fiesta.
Rather than staying a mile from the lights just because a cyclist is there, why not figure out the lights must be on a sensor system when every other set of lights is letting cars through multiple times and advance yourself forward FFS. The cyclist can't go because you're a million miles from the lights and you're not triggering green.
This guy is an absolute fuck nut, disregard for human life, swerved into my lane twice and forced me to slam my brakes both times. Classic BMW driver.. cunt
A long queue of cars stuck behind this idiot, sat in lane 2 no cars in lane 1, dawdling along drinking a large can with only her left hand on the steering wheel, not a clue what's going on around her, I then saw dozens of cars undertaking her and she had not a clue she was doing something wrong.
Ford Fiesta.
Rather than staying a mile from the lights just because a cyclist is there, why not figure out the lights must be on a sensor system when every other set of lights is letting cars through multiple times and advance yourself forward FFS. The cyclist can't go because you're a million miles from the lights and you're not triggering green.