Stupid lorry driver that couldn't be bothered to give way to the right on a roundabout & follow the rules of the roundabout system as he was on his mobile phone. Almost cost me & my sons life today. Reporting him to freight express in the morning.
BMW X5 driver intentionally swerved towards me as I was passing on the right in crawling traffic. Could have caused serious injury had I not been anticipating such idiocy!
BMW X3, nipped a close free parking space designated just for Morrison Weybridge then walked out to the high street because he's too cheap to pay for parking.
Typical Audi driver, tailgated me for 20 miles sitting ess than 2 foot behind me even when I slowed down to let him past. Eventually he pulled out to overtake and nearly had a head on collision with a tractor and had to pull back in behind. He did get past me after that and lost control of his vehicle and only just avoided a collision with the ditch! Why would one overtake on a blind corner!
What a rude and ignorant driver, takes a big man to drive like and dick and abuse a lady, reported to the police