Prick takes double bends on Edward Street Lancaster and doesn’t keep to his side but almost goes into me. Shouldn’t be allowed to drive if he cannot keep to his side on bends when there are vehicles coming the other way.
Total fucker. Swerved as we overtook on a dual carriageway, almost connecting with our rear left wheel, the proceeded to follow us until confronted, then had nothing to say. What a mug.
This driver nearly knocked me and my sister down whilst crossing the main road in Dinnington today, he came speeding down the main road at such a speed I don't know how he missed us both.
The road was clear when we started to cross but the speed he was doing meant he was coming up quick. Such a disgrace as it looked like he had a young child in the front with him.
This driver started aggressively beeping and gesticulating at me for no reason in Truro at a roundabout - literally no idea why as I was in the correct lane. Then when our cars happened to align at the roundabout he suddenly got all shy and staring at his footwell. Don’t get me wrong, nothing was going to happen on my part, but it amuses me what a beta male he was when he realised he was next to us :-)
Prick takes double bends on Edward Street Lancaster and doesn’t keep to his side but almost goes into me. Shouldn’t be allowed to drive if he cannot keep to his side on bends when there are vehicles coming the other way.