Don't know how he has got a license! Seen me driving along Moorgate and then turned his wagon towards me blocking my road leaving me side on with oncoming traffic coming towards me and forcing me to mount on to the pathway at a pedestrian crossing to avoid being part of what would of been a major crash and pile up! Nobheads like this who put others safety at risk don't deserve to have that job or license!
Just seen this idiot badly weaving between lanes up Hyde Road near Manchester. Undercutting at around 50 and nearly hitting a car while undertaking in a 30 zone, beeping at vehicles in an old wreck it a focus. It's not PC but I just thought what an inconsiderate fat cow, we're all going home love, well you might be speeding to McDonald's or KFC but anyways there's no reason to drive like an arse.
Loool mad driver