MK12 AXP 2020-02-05 17:14:23

No signage in photo to indicate that's YOUR spot
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MK18 DXT 2020-01-24 20:26:34

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MK62 ABF 2019-12-17 20:12:28

I have seen this man driving to the UPS depot in Derby and he is an honestly brilliant driver. He car doesn't make any rattly noises and the exhaust doesn't push out black diesel smoke, which shows that this man looks after his car. I look after my car too, as I treat it like another family member, which I bet this driver does too. This car (MK62 ABF), is a white VW golf mk6. I would guess that the driver is betwwen 30 and 35 years old. This is not a fake comment, This is just my personal opinion on what a cool and kind driver this man is.

P.S. Any comments from a account called "fake names" are fake and sarcastic and rude.

My comment is not sarcastic or fake. All of my comments are 100% real and just my personal opinion.
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MK07 GXC 2019-11-22 21:51:27

All you're showing here is you're racist but you will not understand the subtlety of why that is the case
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MK64 OCR 2019-10-17 21:29:22

Looks to me like a HGV being a cock as usual and not letting someone pull on

Professional drivers my arse
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MK60 EHF 2019-09-29 09:45:47

Dis little flea bag was in leeds Friday. Looked dumb and stoned. Also az a junky mom who likes muff dependant on mood.
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MK14 KJZ 2019-06-21 06:13:18

Druggie skanks
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MK62 OMY 2019-06-20 16:07:09

18:30 on 19/06/19 
Wrea Green 
Very safe and respectful driver.
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MK65 UYZ 2019-05-30 11:50:14

i dont know why so many people think they know better how to ride a bicycle- than someone riding a bicycle.... your comment is correct- how he didnt horn the other drivers. Its true. How many times have you come across a line of cars, vans buses etc, all not moving about one mph in a huge ''traffic jam'' but nobody is beeping, or yelling at eachother to get out the middle of the road? this van driver is saying its totally acceptable then, for a cyclist to come up alongside drivers in traffic and for the rider to point left, and to suggest they use the bus service on that route, or that they should get out the middle of the road. You cant have it both ways van man. To the man with the bicycle, i made this video to educate people.
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MK64 YBM 2019-06-05 09:46:25

Edit - should be 3/6/19
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