Drives like a bellend, can’t read road signs and decides to tailgait and brake check a young girl in a fiat 500, as soon as a picture of the registration was obtained by a passenger he realised he was a dick and sped off.
Seen needlessly swerving rapidly and erratically between two lanes of dense 40 mph Fri afternoon traffic without indicating and at high risk of corner damage to other vehicles, including my own. Enough to make a van driver behind pull gesticulate at the driver when beside the next roundabout.
Just because your ugly mini-MPV has 'sport' written on the back doesn't mean it's sporty. Can't hold a lane in the corners and with that shitty little 998cc, you sure as shit can't accelerate out of them (or away from those red lights).
But don't worry, you compensate for it by doing 75mph in a 50. Good effort!
Needs to get pulled over and given a reality check ASAP.
Another husband using the services of our local crack whore.