MM11 FTJAudi TT tailgating my van.2016-05-12 15:07:08
White Audi TT (tittie-says it all about the idiot driving it)on a59 tailgating my van and undertaking frankly death wish overtaking moves into oncoming traffic when he grew tired of seeing how near he could get to the rear of the van without touching it.
What a complete utter nob.
Caught up with him later on.That got you far didn't it you completely selfish idiot.
Look out for a driver in a Blue Fard Ka, keep out of his way...............Speeding down Beech Walk past Leigh Cricket club (doing 40mph in a 20mph zone) whilst there's temporary roadwork's and plenty of kids and parents about. Turned into Wenlock Road on three wheels, came straight back out speeding to the Landside shops in Pennington, where he nearly took my kid out in front of Landside shops, wife confronted him to get verbal abuse in front of my 8 year old kid.
He's the typical childish moron who doesn't like to be overtaken. He spat his dummy out when he saw my sister in a Toyota Yaris overtake him and a the car in front of him on the A570 Rainford Bypass; so he floored it, nearly slamming into the back of the proceeding car before dangerously undertaking our car and causing us to slam on the brakes.
Tailgating dangerously close to another car and intimidating them by going wide etc for no reason when there is traffic 😡