Twat. Absolute grade-A idiot.
Driving down the stretch of A5 between Tamworth services and Appleby services, i was casually driving and this moron comes up behind me, then undertakes me, sits in the middle of the carriage way while brake checking me. He then brakes down to 30mph and speeds off. I don't know who he thinks i was or what i was doing but when i then go to take my exit he sits infront going slow up the sliproad and then as i merge into the right hand lane to enter the roundabout he tries to come across as if to scare me.
I'm not scared when i have all the footage i need to show what a bellend this guy was.
He then headed down the A444.
Terrible, dangerous driver!! This man firstly ran a red light, then overtook whilst a car was pulling out of a junction nearly inches away from causing an accident and then, believe it or not hand gestured everyone else!!
People like this shouldn't be on the road, if they aren't in the accident they're the reason for it!!
Dark Blue/Black VW Polo.
Saw this Van driver today nearly force a car off the road near Hull for sticking to the speed limit. He was also tailgating me and waving his arms about for a good 5 miles.
End result