I'm in lane 1 about 200 yards in front of this numpty, he is in lane 2. Roadworks closed lane 1 so I indicated and pulled into lane 2. This knob just had to use his horn and screech in front of me and then brake checked me 3 times. This is an idiot with a serious attitude problem.
This sour-faced cow went tear-arsing around busy residential streets by a school that had just let the kids out. She forced cars to move out of her way without even acknowledging. She was a rude, ignorant and stupid girl in your little red Ford Ka
Has the misfortune to follow this car for about 5 minutes, taking various turns at junctions and roundabouts and not once bothering to indicate, then again he was on his phone so maybe should be excused!!!
BWM Driver travelling at excessive speed, made a poor judgement call to pass a parked vehicle on his side.
It's ok though, I'm the wanker for coming to a complete stop to allow him to judge the gap effectively - had I continued there would have been a head on collision - something the lady he had in the passenger seat seemed to be aware of.
Massive idiot. Squeezed into a tiny spot, stopping distance, and made me hit the kerb at speed.