What a dangerous driver, undercut a bus and dangerously cut in front of me at speed without any signalling. When I slammed on my brakes the driver decided this was offensive, so slammed to a halt, reversed (not very far) at speed-in my mind to scare me only stopping inches from my bumper. The ignoroid then decided to sit with his brakes on and hold up traffic. Obviously a grown man having a temper tantrum like this, in my opinion, needs a mental health assessment. Oh it doesn't stop there, he pulls over and pre empting this mans erratic driving he blazes straight towards me, because I'm driving incredibly slow a taxi over takes me and very nearly collides with that car. I cant help but think this driver has his own rules and perspective of life. Bradford is a bad place to drive but with ***** like this on the road well, need I say more.
MW54 RYOFat and ugly cow ...... Apparently2015-04-22 17:20:07
Just been abused by this complete ignoramuses!!! Called me fat and ugly..... Apparently I'm a big stupid and I don't deserve my daughter !!!!! All because I walked past some cones he had put on the pavement !!!! Police cones which look like they are related to traffic and were put beside parked cars.
Flashed lights, hands up
on M25 variable speed limit of 40
tailgated me and wanted me to speed up, i had cruse control set to 42,
there was a lane closure ahead,
wow i was doing the speed limit and cost you 30seconds for you to sit at the red light at the end of the slip road
Exceptionally courteous driver. Helped me out when I was packed up at the side of the road and continued on course with persistent awareness. (Due to idiotic road users and pedestrians). Credit to young drivers and definite stereotype outlier.
Ignorant driver, parks anywhere.