NU61 XKG 2016-02-04 08:34:02

Look at red car behind.. good use of mirrors; they clearly saw this PRAT coming up from the rear and were planning for the worse. Fine the fucker.
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NL13 CCN 2016-01-29 17:26:58

Uses indicators at all times! No harsh accelerating or riding people's bumpers! A perfect example of the perfect driver!
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NV62 THK 2015-12-09 01:20:01

This driver needs to develop some thicker skin if he/she can't handle being beeped at.
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NG15 CWY 2015-11-25 09:14:03

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NX09 AXC 2015-11-24 14:47:50

Their employee using a mobile phone whilst driving this time. Complete surprise when he turned up and ended up behind the car.

Company car, clear on camera, breaking the law.

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NG15 CWY 2015-11-25 17:30:31

Wrong vehicle
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NG08 VBO 2015-11-25 13:47:41

Looks like some double white lines are needed there..not that I'm suggesting their absence is justification for what the driver did.
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N70 ANH 2015-11-19 11:00:37

He was the first person I spoke to on xbox 1,,,, shit driver though ,,, we also did a coning at the local mcdonalds
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NV62 THK 2015-10-24 21:23:31

tries to undertake on a duel carriageway nearly causing an accident then brake checks the car he undertook.
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NX58 XNJ 2015-10-24 07:10:09

Ooh ooh he's parked on a white line too. No-one knows what they are. Edge of carriageway on an urban clearway, which means no parking. If it's an urban clearway he'll get a parking ticket. woop.
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