Sat in the 3rd lane over taking absolutely no one and then when I pointed out he should be driving in the left hand lane (I swear old people don’t understand how motorways work) he had a hissy fit. Quite literally flailing his arms about because clearly being in the wrong makes him emotional. Then it turns out he had to turn off anyway so cut across 3 lanes (wouldn’t have to cut across lanes if you were in the correct lane) and proceeded to speed and go through a red light with cameras so enjoy your fine! Also at your age I’d expect you’d be able to afford more than that literally falling apart car :)
Faith restored! To the young man I witnessed a massive thank you. Blocked a live lane of traffic and got out of his car to help push a distressed old lady clearly unable to get onto the pavement with her wheelchair. Then ran back to his car returning with a bottle of water. Having a disability myself, I felt sickened by how many cars drove around treating her like a traffic cone, not to mention the two pedestrians that walked past looking down.
Some "Video Surveillance Unit" from Security Plus Ltd. came bombing down into our cul-de-sac, up to the end, turned, and bombed back out again. Don't know what this is but maybe people would be wise to consider whether to use this company if their drivers act this ineptly.
this license plate commemorates the Defeat of the Vikings (who sailed from from what is now Western Denmark (WDK)) in Northern Anglia (NA) in 854 AD (54).
Sat in the 3rd lane over taking absolutely no one and then when I pointed out he should be driving in the left hand lane (I swear old people don’t understand how motorways work) he had a hissy fit. Quite literally flailing his arms about because clearly being in the wrong makes him emotional. Then it turns out he had to turn off anyway so cut across 3 lanes (wouldn’t have to cut across lanes if you were in the correct lane) and proceeded to speed and go through a red light with cameras so enjoy your fine! Also at your age I’d expect you’d be able to afford more than that literally falling apart car :)