Idiotic driver who nearly caused a crash as she sped along an inner lane approaching a large roundabout near Heathrow then decided to cut left in front of another vehicle.
Jesus christ, look at this guys MOT history and it's no surprise there's so many entries for bad tyres with the way he uses the public road as a race track.
Black Audi, boring 10 a penny edition. How far up my backside do you want to drive? Are you really that offended that you might have to obey the same speed limit as everyone else? Just another self entitled chav mong, look at me everyone I've got an Audi I'll never pay off!
Scummy little gangster wannabe cut me up and beeped then told me he was gonna stab me up, little prick, the only thing he’ll be stabbing up is his mum with his tiny cock
These old people are the reason the motorway is always congested, just sitting in the middle holding everyone else up because they aren't capable of changing lanes
Idiotic driver who nearly caused a crash as she sped along an inner lane approaching a large roundabout near Heathrow then decided to cut left in front of another vehicle.