An absolute disgrace! Nearly ran me and my 4 year old boy over at a zebra crossing. Driving wrecklessly well over the speed limit in his rubbish 1.4 corsa.
This driver just drove really aggressively at me forcing me to reverse when it was my right of way. He did this outside of a primary school. I have no idea why he was so aggressive, perhaps because he was so fat and ugly?
Usually i only come on here to comment or watch a few videos but this driver got really got my back up as he parked in a disabled bay without a blue badge
Usually i ignore stuff like this but today it was a little different as an old couple looked at him as he got out of his car and when the couple shook their heads at him for not displaying a blue badge he just smirked at them and walked away with his nose up in the air
So today i became a snapshot bandit and took a few snapshots of this driver
Let me know what you think and please be gentle with me as it's my first time : [
Very sexy girl behind the wheel!