Crazy old lady keeps parking outside my drive and then jumps on the bus just to save paying for parking in town,
Would not bother me but she keeps blocking my drive
Was wondering can i report this to the police or not
Vehicle make
Date of first registration
April 2012
Year of manufacture
Cylinder capacity (cc)
1349 cc
115 g/km
Fuel type
Export marker
Vehicle status
Tax not due
Vehicle colour
Vehicle type approval
NA56 KFVJust a random victim of threatening behaviour.2016-12-16 22:12:29
So... It was foggy, dark and we were on a country road with a fair amount of blind corners. My wife responded to the conditions by committing the heinous crime of doing a miserly 50 miles per hour, despite the limit being 60 (The horror!). Then this white van catches up to us and gets scarily close. After a few moments my wife decides to ease off a bit to gently press the notion that he should perhaps back off, for safety and that sort of silly stuff that us boring people that enjoy living care about. She didn't do this by slamming on the breaks or anything by the way, but simply by slowing at 5mph intervals in hope that he would understand and create some distance between our vehicles. Alas, we get down to 30mph and he's still right up our backside. As my wife flicks on the hazard lights our new friend then speeds around us (almost clipping the car, had it not been for her keen senses and almost superhuman reaction speed) and breaks suddenly, forcing us to stop in the road. He then proceeds to get out of his van, walk to my wife's side of the car and hammer on the window telling her to get out. Luckily the doors were locked. At that moment, either realising that he was threatening a lady, or simply dissatisfied with her refusal to 'step outside' he decided to come around to the passenger side and began to punch my window whilst demanding that I get out. I was recently involved in an accident at work in which I sustained a pretty bad head injury and I am still suffering the affects of prolonged concussion. After considering this as well as the fact that I am not a silver back gorilla, I chose to respond with a shoulder shrug accompanied by a simple yet sincere "Nope". The ape seemed confused by my rejection of his ambiguous offer to join him outside of the car and continued to hit the window whilst telling me to get out. It just so happened that I was holding a potted plant that my wife had purchased from Sainsbury's. Again, I shrugged and then showed him the plant as if to say, "I can't come out to fight. I have a plant". This clearly baffled him. He returned once more to the drivers side and demanded that my wife got out. Interestingly, he chose not to punch her window but instead pointed at her with as much spite as he could muster. Then, bizarrely, he shouted, "I have a kid in the van!". To which my wife replied, "Well you shouldn't tailgate. It is dangerous". He made one final attempt at coaxing us out when my other half threatened to call the police. He informed us in his own way that he doesn't care about the police. Either that or he was reciting popular hip hop tunes of the 90s. Which would actually have been a nice way for us to resolve the conflict, as I quite like rap music myself. Anyway. As I photographed his van he got back in and then sped off, leaving us somewhat confused ourselves.
This truck is owned by Dwr Cymru (Welsh Water), the driver of this vehicle has been reported for shouting and swearing at me when I pulled up to an empty petrol pump. CCTV from the petrol station identified the registration.
Seen this driver flytipping in Northampton