The driver of this car is a class A knob jockey. Typical BMW driver, careless, selfish, thinks he owns the road and has no consideration for other road users. Time to grow up mate, you drive like a child, it's embarrassing really and cringeworthy. Stop speeding through Stisted in the morning down the road that clearly has 30mph signs, no one is impressed, it just makes you a cock. End of.
A typical bad driver who drives too fast for her crap car with crap brakes nearly going into me the thinks its ok to race her car to catch me up and keep hooting at me as well as getting close to the rear end of my car. Very dangerous driver and she should get her licence taken off her.
The driver of this white ford van came out of the side road and hit my motorcycle while I was stationary. He never looked on the right side when he came out.
He was very sorry at the time but afterwards lied and told his insurance company that it was my bike that hit him.
Beware of this driver and take lots of photos if you have an accident.
This idiot has just nearly slammed straight into the side of me, must have been doing at least 60 in a 30, little 1.2 corsa, on wrong side of road, then flying through zebra crossings with people waiting, pulled into doxford park morrisons sunderland to wash his car ... obviously in a hurry for a good reason... You Arse Wipe!!!
Total idiot basically goes around racing everyone! Sadly he beat me