Little Asian Sikh Lady , Fat , aged around 35-40 about 4 feet 8 inch tall .
VW GOLD NL10 CDO , Tried changing lane few times and then dangerously brake checked while i had two she had three kids.
Then she tried running and entered a Sikh Temple and i followed her in the temple .
I parked parallel to her vehicle and she started talking as soon as she opened her mouth I realised that trash can has just opened and she magnificently displayed an example of illiterate and il-mannered idiot.
When i noticed that she had kids in car i avoided using any Harsh words and simply told her that if she is ignorant or druggy then at-least she should try to be good example for her kids .
Her reply as you expect from that type of idiots was swearing at full volume , while three kids in car and showing fingers.
I hope she doesn't not reproduce any more like herself. Govt should permanently ban her from having any reproductive activity .
Audi s3 grey . Absolute areshole going past the Angel of the north. What looked like 100mph+ in a 40 . Hope when he wraps his poor mans rs3 round a tree he kills only himself and not an innocent pedestrian
Lovely car