Can't drive to save his life! This driver thinks a Toyota Yaris is an F1 car, poor misguided soul! Watch out for this driver as lane discipline and spacial awareness are a concept that defeat this simple minded cretin
Completely oblivious and angry driver in Aberdeen. Tried to get ahead of traffic in a right turn filter lane which I was about to use. (Gave 5-10 seconds of indication beforehand as well). She blasted her horn when I waited for oncoming traffic, made a dangerous manoeuvre to get in the left hand lane and proceeded to shout abuse and give obscene hand gestures at me.
This driver is aggressive and tailgated me in a 30pmh construction zone with abusive reponses and very dangerous driving. His inability to follow the speed limit is not an excuse to put others safety at risk
Dangerously and selfishly parked half on and half off the pavement right outside a hotel entrance for disabled people and blocking the pavement and low curb for wheelchairs. Prams and wheelchairs cannot use the pavement as it is too close to the wall and barely room for people. Children's stuff in the car so a family car dangerously parked and setting abad example to the kids.