Total idiot. Blew a red light intentionally at least 3-4 secs after it had turned. Granted it was late and not much traffic but myself and 1 other vehicle witnessed it and had I been quick of the mark I could've been side swiped. It was a taxi too
This white van has been seen trying to Steal dogs in the West Yorkshire area, even from old ladies walking their dogs on the street! Two young irish speaking men. Please watch your dogs
Absolute prat! Doesn't understand lanes, speed limits, traffic lights, roundabouts or even indicators. Cut me up multiple times cause the stupid idiot was in the wrong lane and undertaking when people were in his way. P. R. A. T!!
70 MPH, I'm 2 seconds off car infront, this absolute knob overtakes on the left and destroys my braking distance but in doing so cuts it so fine I had to brake fairly hard to avoid going into the back of his tract-... I mean car.
Driver not indicating and very annoyed I couldn't read his intention to join my lane at Chiswick Roundablout - given he was right behind traffic in other lane not relly sure what I could have done - Honked horn and then drove up besite to hurl abuse and spit at my car - complete lunatic seems to be insanely angry - unsafe and extreamely angry driver.
Pass N Go Driving school car presumably being driven by the instructor (alone in car) failing to indicate, maintain lane position or adhere to speed limit. Great example my dear.
Total idiot. Blew a red light intentionally at least 3-4 secs after it had turned. Granted it was late and not much traffic but myself and 1 other vehicle witnessed it and had I been quick of the mark I could've been side swiped. It was a taxi too