Because the exit from the campus is one way and gives the impression that the junction is offset, exiting drivers (like Mr Angry) seem to have the impression that you (in Grainger Pk Rd) should be giving way to them. But you are clearly both controlled by the same set of lights and he has to give way to you. It happens to me a lot here. The old twat should have realised quickly and his behaviour is totally ridiculous. Hope he searches his plate and, realising his twattery, seeks counselling.
Check out what this clown does on this video 1:30 yep he actually shows off and puts his feet onto his front forks whilst riding just shows that this idot takes all this road safety stuff like a joke, he has made me target him for future recordings and i will take a while to capture his antics and then will pass them onto DVLA and the police and then see if he is still laughing then,
oh forgot to mention he hit my dads driver side mirror with his little machine and did a runner it was a neighbour who told us he did it, but as we expected he denied it and called the neighbour a fat lying cunt, yeah dont be fooled by his so called humour
So this is the guy that has posted me on youtube
I have seen myself on his videos and never got his reg
So thankful for you doing this Frank the van driver
I had a lot of crap of this kid and his mates for weeks
I decided to buy my own dashcam to capture this moron
Now that i have the reg i know who to look for as well as his mates
I noticed they put only me telling them off and failed to show footage of them doing things to me, typical little shits
Vehicle make
Date of first registration
December 2016
Year of manufacture
Cylinder capacity (cc)
689 cc
0 g/km
Fuel type
Export marker
Vehicle status
Tax not due
Vehicle colour
Vehicle type approval
NL06 HDD it's funny how you think the cyclist owes you an explanation when it's you who's got some answering to do. I would suggest handing your car keys in because you lack of road skills and all-round ignorant, asshole attitude is what gets innocent people killed. Just how you passed a test is beyond me - I just hope the police have seen this video and will surely give the attention you so clearly crave. Your driving is piss and so is your attitude. Any driving instructor wouldn't pass you, because you clearly have no comprehension of the simple, basic rules regarding NOT over-taking someone on the approach to a junction. This regardless of the cyclist's position within the lane.
Oh and "next time".. I hope your ass is being filed a restraining order but I know these things take time. Let's say next time people ever see you try to do that, your fucking ability to move is heavily restricted under citizen's arrest, pending punitive action to be taken against you in a court of law. That's what happens when you make threats and try to kill people - you aren't going to do shit here, busta.
Cyclist. Do NOT stop and attempt to reason with such people - they are NOT worth it. They've proven first-hand how they do not respect your welfare so to hell with them. The less you stop, the harder it is for them to try and justify their actions. Just blast the horn and get away from danger as soon as possible. They're not worth the time of day.
Any description of the driver? It is sometimes a big problem in asian communities.