BMW 320D SE AUTO 2006
Registration number: NM56FPL
Body type: 4 Door Saloon
Colour: Blue
Date of first registration: September 2006
Talking of lane hogging, this speeder hogged the fast lane on the M6 southbound between J33 and J32 without moving over even when there was no traffic visible ahead in the other lanes. Constant hogging and speeding although I saw some speed faster past me and therefore had to undertake him.
Do these hoggers think they own the lane?
Either so arrogant they don't give a fuck about the highway code or so incompetent they don't have clue what's in it... either way a menace on the roads.
The real kicker is that they were just using the slip-roads to try and jump a queue of traffic on the motorway.
f****** idiot woman undertook myself and a learner using the turn left lane to go straight over the roundabout nearly colliding with the learner driver had kids in the back of her car some people shouldn't be allowed children
Jumped red light
No indication when Turning
Going to fast round corner and kerbed it
Doing possible 80 in a 50mph zone
Swerved into other lane cutting people up
BE careful if see this driver
BMW 320D SE AUTO 2006
Registration number: NM56FPL
Body type: 4 Door Saloon
Colour: Blue
Date of first registration: September 2006
Talking of lane hogging, this speeder hogged the fast lane on the M6 southbound between J33 and J32 without moving over even when there was no traffic visible ahead in the other lanes. Constant hogging and speeding although I saw some speed faster past me and therefore had to undertake him.
Do these hoggers think they own the lane?