Due regard to other road users, is not the motto this driver follows; tailing me with fog lights on in clear conditions (which is illegal), being blinded whilst driving is not something I enjoy, when asked to switch off his fog lights the driver gets irate, overtakes & brake checks you, then asks you to pull over for I presume more violent behaviour, driver needs to grow up & act responsibly
Seen on Sat 14th July 2018, just outside Leamington Spa driving like an absolute c**t. I've reported you to the police, I hope you get what is coming to you. Total lack of respect for your or anyone elses life. Tw*t.
Drove along the A2 this evening from (at least) Swanscombe Cutting, turned off at Chatham on the M2 and didn’t once notice he had his full beams on! His personalised plate needs to be No Idea instead of No Ionge!
Fucking prick has a stupid exhaust. Sounds like a swarm of hornets down the motorway.