NU57 GHB 2018-12-21 18:42:48

What the hell is wrong with you. You are not fit to be a delivery driver at all you Dog Abuser.
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NU57 GHB 2018-12-21 10:28:27

Comes to mine I’ll give him what for get rid disgusting n he needs to grow up for what he’s done
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NU57 GHB 2018-12-21 08:36:14

This driver kicked a small dog so hard he needed £70 of treatment at the vet, needs severely reprimanded
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NU57 GHB 2018-12-21 05:17:16

Learn your drivers some respect
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NU57 GHB 2018-12-21 01:44:51

This driver kicked a customers dog, causing severe trauma to the poor dog. Also using his phone while driving :(
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NU57 GHB 2018-12-20 23:40:32

works for amazon and kicks customers dogs
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NU09 GXJ 2018-12-10 10:04:52

Such a polite driver x
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NU12 LXD 2018-10-03 18:49:48

The complete lack of traffic awareness has to be seen to be believed. Astounding.

"I put on my hazards so I can stop wherever the fuck I want". No! Just... no!
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NU12 LXD 2018-10-07 06:51:30

I hope the police sort this bastard out. This is a prime example of why people need to be re-educated
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