NV17 ZXN 2018-08-15 21:10:06

9:28 - Absolute cock womble of a driver.
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NV06 ZSL 2018-08-13 11:24:28

Believe the plates have been cloned ... but the driver and passenger of this van, men wearing hi viz jackets, one wearing a white builders safety hat, stole two car batteries from business in Great Leighs, Nr Chelmsford at 11am on 27th June - caught by CCTV.
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NV62 AXZ 2018-08-20 11:03:06

This fat cunt needs to learn how not to drive up the back of other cars on the motorway
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NV15 XTT 2018-08-10 18:05:56

There were two lanes, left turn only lane and going ahead lane. The going ahead lane was full of traffic and wasn't moving.

This driver in his blue vauxhall wearing yellow clothes, went on the left turn only lane to avoid waiting in the lane full of traffic.

He then still kept going straight even after passing the light and almost crashed onto us.

He did this to bypassed all of the traffic on ahead only lane by going on the left turn only lane and then overtaking the cars on the ahead only lane after passing the traffic lights.
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NV64 LTU 2018-08-09 21:57:08

This twat waffle parked in a disabled bay my very handicapped friend was unable to park there. After asking him to move not inly that but SHIT PARKING appaeently the response was sue me
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NV59 WBT 2018-07-25 18:01:23

uber twat can`t pull away at lights in horley and can`t get over 10mph, get off the road
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NV57 VHK 2018-07-22 17:49:40

The bloke is a complete prick, cut across three lanes, preceded to swerve in and out of traffic calling everyone who stood up to him with his middle finger, nearly wiped the front of my Octavia off then offered a black suv driver to pull over, shouldn’t hold a licence dangerous driver dash cam footage will be sent to the police
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NV17 NRX 2018-07-14 22:26:14

Need to find this guy. 14.07.18 about 10:00pm
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NV17 DSE 2018-07-15 02:38:54

This Audi A4 is an unmarked police car https://www.instagram.com/p/BlK7D2GBrs0/
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NV17 SSK 2018-06-30 23:08:53

Decides to park up here on the seafront on armed forces day, thanks for the photobomb...
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