Complete lack of indicators at 2 roundabouts and 2 junctions so it’s anyone’s guess where this person is going. We then speed at 45mph through a 30mph zone past a school and then can’t manage to drive at 60 on a National speed limit road!
Standard shite driving by a bellend in an audi trying to impress his boyfriend on the A14 to kettering. You can fucking well see that the cars infront are overtaking slower lorries so really no need to be tailgaiting and flashing the car in front. Fucking idiot thinks he’s king of the road inly to get burnt off by an EV a bit later. What a twat.
Deliberately pushes in at Tesco queue coming off ring road, your not better than the people who queue, your worse, probably not a nice person out of the car too,
Oh dear. Someone who bosses staff around thinks they can tell the public what to do.
This set him straight: