Absolute dangerous idiot!! Boy racer!! He cruises along slowly until you make an attempt to take over him then he floors it, in a built up area might I add, nearly killing both of us.
BAD DRIVER!! Didn't look both ways before crossing the road infront of me and nearly took me off my bike. When I confronted her she told me to "shut my mouth". Obviously dosen't care she could of caused an accident or worse.
Absolute idiot and dangerous driver, went under a bridge that reduces down to just one lane, I could see no one was coming the other way so committed to the road then this idiot shoots around the corner and refused to get out of the way, I had to get to an appointment so reversed back after sitting for 5 minutes with this retard refusing to reverse a few metres back instead I had to reverse allot further.
There was also a silly young girl in the passenger seat taking pictures of my car so I decided to snap a photo of these idiots.
Advice to driver - have some common sense when driving you idiot, if someone is already committed to a 1 lane road then they have priority and the clue is in the sign 1 vehicle at a time! If you were already committed I would wait back like any other driver and not try and force my way through then refuse to reverse back when in the wrong, what a small man lol.
Some of the worst driving I've ever seen! This dangerous driver speeds down a closing lane nearly hitting the car in front, he then cuts sharply in front of a bus before pulling back out where the first car almost hits him, absolute idiot.
Range Rover Sport in black. Driving on the M27 outside Portsmouth. The driver who I could only identify as a white male cut a large queue dramatically by driving over the junction markings and merging into a small space. A nearby car flagged the drivers erratic behaviour by signalling him to which he responded by winding down his window and swearing. He continued his phone call whilst driving and at the next junction performed a similar manoeuvre by cutting over the junction markings to get in the incoming slip road and make further distance up the road.
this is the worst driving i ever seen on a 30 mile an hour speed limit Road this idiot went past Rossall School that fast he has no regard for anyone safety it's pricks like you why genuine people car insurance Rises in price you are going to kill yourself one day let's hope it's not another person you moron
Brilliant driver always lets other people go infront of him and never speeds